Update 1.7
21 Apr, 2019,
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The installation of the app has been improved. The app is automatically set to the language set in the device.
You will be asked if a voice output is installed in the device, if not, you will be asked if you want to install a free app for it.
You are asked whether the device should be operated by the patient himself.
Then everything is installed automatically.
Happy birthday!
30 Mar, 2019,
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Smart Letter Board will be 1 year today. One year ago Jens from the als-mobil.de club did the first test. That was already exciting for me, but also sobering. Because he immediately found some mistakes that I hadn't noticed as a programmer before. Meanwhile many things have been improved and added.
Meanwhile the app is usable in 10 languages, is used in over 30 countries and the homepage was visited from 75 countries.
ALS is spread all over the world and everywhere people fight with the same problems every day, sometimes more, sometimes less. It is a mystery everywhere and little known. ALS is not called ALS everywhere, so there are names like MND, SLA, ELA, БАC and many others.
The support is not equally good everywhere, but I have met many dedicated people all over the world who volunteer every day to make life easier with ALS. Only through these people it is possible that many things become easier and the disease becomes known everywhere, whether in Europe, America, India, Australia or Russia. With the common goal of finding a cure for the disease for ALS!
Jörg Baumbach
Use Android Smartphone or Tablet only with head movement
19 Feb, 2019,
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Important condition for a good function is a stable position of the device. There is a large selection of brackets at the usual online dealer, for various devices and assembly, for little money.
Of course Smart Letter Board is also so easy to use, due to the few large keypads a selection is much easier than with the usual on-screen keyboard. You can also communicate quickly with the possibility of storing your own phrases.
As always a good communication!
Update 1.6
13 Feb, 2019,
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Small changes in layout and bug fixing.
13 Feb, 2019,
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The app is now also available in Ukrainian, thanks to the help of Irina Baumbach.
Czech / Slovak
5 Feb, 2019,
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The app is now also available in Czech / Slovak!
Thanks to the support of Andrea Klepáčková!
Update 1.5
26 Jan, 2019,
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Small changes in the safety of operation, e.g. additional instructions during operation.
Switch Access
8 Jan, 2019,
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Operate your smartphone or tablet with just one button! Now also for my free communication app. More information on the page Switch Access.
New Video - Spelling Mode
27 Dec, 2018,
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Update 1.3
27 Dec, 2018,
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Errors corrected and preparation in layout for new things.
Update 1.2
21 Dec, 2018,
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The search lists can now also be selected before the end of the speech output.
Update 1.1
2 Dec, 2018,
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Now also executable in Playstor from Android 2.1!
Thereby slight changes in the layout.
Additional possibilities in the language output settings.
Update 1.0
25 Nov, 2018,
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An big update is online!
Now the app is even easier to use. If the integrated "keyboard" seems too complicated, you can switch to spelling. Then the letters behind the fields on the start page will be read out and a word can be put together. Of course, this is also saved afterwards. The mode can be activated on the settings page.
Videos and the supplements in the operating instructions will follow.
As always a good communication!
Update 0.98
18 Nov, 2018,
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The keyboard screen has been reworked and small changes in the layout in general.
8 Nov, 2018,
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The video Smart Letter Board explained has been overworked.
Google Play Store Now!
25 Oct, 2018,
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Now available at the Google Play Store! If you like the app, I would be happy to receive a small donation. More about this in the previous message.
If you have already installed the app and want to use the automatic update service from the Play Store, you have to uninstall the app first!
The app in the Play Store is only executable with Android 4.0 or higher. This is a new edition of Google. This also makes the app look a lot different! If errors occur or the app crashes please report by email. I haven't tested many devices yet!
Google Play Store
14 Oct, 2018
Donate any amount so that the app can also be placed in the Google Play Store as a free app. Anything above the fee will be donated to the TDI Research Institute for ALS. https://www.als.net/ 
Update 0.96
3 Oct, 2018,
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Small update. Adjustment of the help and a bug in the portoguese language has been fixed.
Update 0.94
25 Sep, 2018,
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The database has been revised. Therefore now more words are possible, at higher speed.
I experimented for a long time and then increased the words to 3000. Because more words meant more suggestions and the reading takes longer. If the words become even more, only more rare words would be found. Unfortunately most word lists are generated from the words used in the Internet. These do not correspond however to the general everyday language.
Please report if the new words stored in a language should be adapted.
As always a good communication!
Update 0.93
5 Aug, 2018,
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Small changes and again faster.